Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Work in Bali

First thing first, please let me take a deep breath.
I just arrived from Surabaya after passed 9 hours in the bus, and the day before, I spent around 5 hours at the Ngurah Rai airport – thanks to Lion Air which delayed my flight for almost 3 hours (still, Lion Air?).

Before I tell you my stories of this year' Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (I know you guys have been so curious!), I need to confess a thing: I didn't take pictures along the event! I don't want to be so-called sok sibuk gitu, but when I look back, I didn't have the privilege to use my camera whenever I wanted to. Some said I was too focused on my duty, and I did put a lot of efforts, even somehow I thought it was too overwhelming for me. Many people said it was the first time MC team has Indonesian supervisor, so of course I want to do my best. 

ANYWAY, kok jadi curhat?

I did a lot of contemplating along the trip. Funny thing, when I put down my camera and phone, I had more time to see what's around me.

As I sat under the tree, somewhere in Denpasar, I realized that I've never been lived anywhere so far from my hometown. By far I mean two things: location and culture. Most of my life spent in Surabaya, where I was born; I studied for undergraduate in Malang; and now pursuing my Master in Yogyakarta. All these three cities are in Java island, and basically embrace Javanese tradition although it might be slightly different.

While I was in Bali for a vacation/volunteering for Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2015, I can't help but thinking of what if I work here in Bali? Like, for more than one year? Am I gonna fit in?

I don't have the answer now. But after two weeks there, I can say that there are two sides of it. First, working here generally same with working everywhere in the world: you have duties, responsibilities, a**hole office-mate (not that I have it, but yes I heard some stories...), negotiating your salary, etc. If you can work in a company that has international networks, it's good for you; but if not, well once again, it's just same with everywhere in other parts of Indonesia.

However, I felt a very bad homesick for not hearing adzan. I didn't recognize the feeling at some first days, but when I stay at my mom' friend house near a Javanese village (Kampung Jawa), my heart became so warm to hear adzan again. When I travel to Malaysia and Vietnam, I had a schedule to visit the mosques and those were easy to find. It was strange that I have to travel for 20km to find the nearest mosque. In Indonesia.

Perhaps it was one of the reason that Allah hasn't permitted me to study abroad. Or even traveling to countries where Muslim as minorities. I thank Allah for putting my heart close to Him, and I hope He always do.

It doesn't mean that I am not an adaptable person, but it taught me to be more prepared for this kind of situation. Another friend of my mom said, if I decide to work in Bali, I have to arrange some schedule to go to Qur'an recitation' group (pengajian), at least once a week. If I can do it in Java, I must do it too in Bali. Even though I have to go a little bit far, I have to do it because I have a need to maintain my 'connection' with my Creator. Only then I don't feel lost or lonely.

Well, I think it's something I want to share with you for now, and it will be great if you can let me know what you think about it. See you at the next post (hopefully less than a week from now)!



  1. Aaaak if you really really really work in Bali, I'll miss you so. :')

    Mbak Prim, jangankan UWRF tahun ini, yang tahun kemarin pun juga jarang foto-foto kaan. XD

    Sangat ketampar di bagian ini:

    Perhaps it was one of the reason that Allah hasn't permitted me to study abroad. Or even traveling to countries where Muslim as minorities. I thank Allah for putting my heart close to Him, and I hope He always do.

    Sepertinya aku juga begitu. Thanks, menunjukkan jalan untuk terus berprasangka baik pada Allah. ^^

    1. Tahun lalu dapet 48 foto lho, lumayan! Itu yang di-upload aja, jadi aslinya pasti lebih banyak. Tahun ini cuma 2kali sama penulis, dan itupun blur+gelap soalnya malem :'(

      Hehehe, iya yang paragraf itu juga hasil renungan bertahun-tahun kok.


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