Friday, March 1, 2019

Readers Who Write: 3 Most Recent Books I've Acquired

Hi everyone! I can’t believe it’s already MARCH yet I still feel like December last year. After taking two months break from real work (at the office I mean…); my brain needs to adapt with office hours, sitting and facing laptop the whole day, then going back to my room with nothing important to do… Well, I have been wondering what I should write this year, of course I want to start writing another book. The project of ‘Antologi Ramadan 2019’ has been postponed because I am considering ideas, topics, contributors, and I even think about the launch etc. Anyhow, this time I plan to make it much better than my previous book, and I am eager to create an unforgettable experience for everyone who takes part in it. But the most urgent thing to do, is to practice writing again and again. I feel like I haven’t found ‘me’ – but it’s actually good to know I still can write a long post like this post last week. I have been starting to read more books since I arrived in Bali just to get some senses. Then I found this blog post about “30 Day Post Challenge for Readers Who Write”, and I was like… “let’s do this!”   

So, within this month I will answer some questions to show my love on books and whatsoever every two days. It is due to my limited English skill (ha ha), I can only response to questions that I understand completely (and I know how to write a good answer as well). I will also choose it randomly, depends on my mood (hehe). But this is the stuff I need to melemaskan jari dan memaksa otak untuk berpikir.

The very first question is…

What are the three most recent books you've acquired? What inspired you to buy them? Where/how did you get them?

Since the question doesn’t explicitly ask if I READ those books, and if I don’t count the books that I got from my office’ library, hmmm, I will be honest with you guys. Before I went to Bali, I bought three books:

1. H. Rusydi Hamka – Pribadi dan Martabat Buya Hamka
2. Quraish Shihab – Islam yang Saya Anut: Dasar-Dasar Ajaran Islam
3. Yasmin Mogahed – Love & Happiness

Unfortunately, from 3 books above, I have only read the last one. I haven’t even unwrapping the first one, lol. The reason was because, I was indeed looking for a nonfiction book in religious genre, but then I lost my mood to read it. Also, Quraish Shihab's explanation is really heavy (the reviews said that this book is the first one of the series), so it’s not the kind of book that I can read in casual manner. I have to make special time to read and comprehend it page by page. That’s why I don’t bother to bring the book to Bali (but I bring the ‘Buya Hamka’ book). I forgot where I bought the ‘Buya Hamka’, but if I am not mistaken, I bought the second and third book at Gramedia Royal Plaza – in one of those nights where I spend it with Tita and we were boring so we were like, “let’s go to the mall”. Hahaha, girls. I finished the ‘Yasmin Mogahed’ book in the train to Sidoarjo to visit Vinka. It’s full of quotes about love and happiness (for sure). The pages are not really connected to each other, so you will feel like jump from one quote to another. But it doesn’t matter anyway, you still can feel related to any quotes inside the book. You can check my Instagram post for this book, here.

I aim to obtain more Islamic insights from these books as I need to establish my book – that will be ‘another Islamic book’. However, just like Perjalanan Menuju Cahaya, I want broader audience to enjoy it as well. Thus, I was thinking to read an Islamic book that gives me ‘new’ perspective on how to be a good Muslim, in the lightest way if possible. I haven’t read any writing of Buya Hamka – sadly – but yes, indeed I have heard about him many times. That’s why I bought these books. Anyway, it’s not that I am saying that the ‘Quraish Shihab’ book disappointing me, I still want to read it one day. But for now, I might be looking for more 'easy' book. Got any recommendations?


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